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Kindedo Testimonials

Parents Says

With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students
have opportunities to confidently take risks.

From 1873 until 1877, St. Louis stood as the sole representative of free kindergarten work in the country. In 1877, Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw opened two kindergartens in the vicinity of Boston, Mass.

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Norma J. Johnston

In the summer of I878, Prof. Felix Adler, of New York, founder of the Society for Ethical Culture, spoke forcibly and effectively at a meeting of influential citizens of San Francisco, urging the.

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Hillary H. Morse

Growing work called for growing funds to meet expenses. City councils were petitioned, and the amount of five thousand dollars was granted for two successive years In the next year.

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Robert M. Allen

The Milwaukee Mission Kindergarten Association, still in its infancy, was established in i885, and has already under its charge, in its three kindergartens, one hundred and fifty.

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John N. McGee

To the question, “What is the apparent influence of the kindergarten upon the children?” comes a deluge of answers, their burden being, without exception, that the effects have been only.

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Ines R. Duong

“Nearly every trade and art has its place in Froebel’s system, which gives the child the alphabet of them all by calling upon him to master the materials and principles common to.

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Lenora C. Rivera

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About Kindedo

With the help of teachers and environment as the third teacher, students have opportunities to confidently take risks.